
VAPF - Inicio
VAPF - Inicio

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GrupoVapf presents an important initiative to ease the economic effects COVID-19 is having on the families of LES.



Grupo VAPF has carried out an important initiative to ease the economic effects that COVID-19 is having on the families of the students at Lady Elizabeth School.

Besides the considerable impact that COVID-19 is having on our society, we have to add the social and economic impact that it is having on families, who are living a period of uncertainty and concern without precedent.

Grupo VAPF, as a lessor of Lady Elizabeth School in Cumbre del Sol, has decided to carry out, during the time that the current State of Alarm lasts, a reduction of the monthly lease that LES has to pay, in proportional with the reduction that LES applies on the student´s fees, to ease the financial burden of our school´s families.

This way we can ensure that our efforts translate into a better well-being for all the families that are part of our community.

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