New Collaboration between Grupo VAPF and the Foundation Vicente Ferrer for a project, A HOUSING DEVELOPMENT.

Here at Group VAPF, after six successful projects carried out in collaboration with the Foundation Vicente Ferrer, we are proud to collaborate once again with FVF in a new project of BUILDING HOUSES FOR FAMILIES IN NEED.
This new housing project, aimed at the less privileged communities, will consist of building a colony of 21 houses, of approximately 48m2 each one, in the small village of Kommemarry , in the Adoni area. They will have a basic infrastructure of hygiene conditions, including a space for personal hygiene and latrine.
These properties will be registered in the woman´s name so as to empower their role in society, receive a property and an asset for the future of their children.
For the beneficiary families, that actively work on the project with the help of the community, to own a solid home is, primarily, an essential requirement to achieve social inclusion.
These houses mean effective shelter for the monsoon rains that they endure from June to October, a shelter for the intense heat of the pre-monsoon seasons, and protection against dangerous animal bites or stings, like snakes and scopions.
Furthermore, having bathrooms has a very positive impact on the safety of the teenage girls and women, as they won´t need to leave the safety of the colonies, therefore they will no longer be exposing themselves to sexual aggressions and/or kidnapping.
The Foundation Vicente Ferrer (FVF), created in 1969 by Vicente Ferrer is a developmental NGO committed to the transformation process of one of the poorest and in need areas of India, of the states of Andhra Pradesh and Telangana and of the most vulnerable communities under threat of exclusion, that in the past, have suffered a profound discrimination.
The Foundation Vicente Ferrer and their partner in India, Rural Development Trust (RDT), through simultaneous work in the different development sectors –education, healthcare, housing, women, people with handicap and ecology-, make it possible for these people´s conditions to improve, and what is more important, to make strong and independent communities.