VAPF Group and UNICEF, allies for helping children in Ukraine.

It's now 100 days since the war in Ukraine began, which has led to the displacement of 8 million people in search of safety. Over these 100 days, 255 children have been killed, while 382 have been injured.
The war in Ukraine is having a devastating effect on the short and long-term well-being, development and health of boys and girls, who are exposed to these prolonged stressful situations.
At VAPF Group, we wanted to collaborate economically with UNICEF so that they can continue to help millions of children in Ukraine.
Over these 100 days, UNICEF has worked both in Ukraine and in border and host countries, to:
Provide vital health and medical supplies for nearly 2.1 million people in war-affected areas.
Facilitate access to drinking water for over 2.1 million people living in areas where networks have been damaged or destroyed.
Reach over 610,000 children and caregivers with mental health and psychosocial support and provide learning materials for almost 290,000 children.
Facilitate the registration of nearly 300,000 vulnerable families in the joint humanitarian programme of UNICEF and the Ministry of Social Policy for cash assistance.
Support, in refugee-hosting countries, national, municipal and local systems that provide protection and essential services, especially for the most vulnerable children.
In this crisis, 90% of the refugees are women and children who face serious risks every day, such as human trafficking, exploitation or abuse.
Because a child is a child, no matter where they were born, at VAPF Group, we wanted to collaborate with UNICEF again this year, in the fundamental defence of children's rights of boys and girls in Ukraine.