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VAPF - Inicio

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Grupo VAPF and UNICEF Spain, partners in protecting the most vulnerable children against the effects of COVIN-19 in Syria.



After more than 9 years of war in Siria, COVID-19 adds another problem to the already disastrous situation.

Here at Grupo VAPF we have collaborated financially with UNICEF Spain with their project of intervention in Syria, aimed at reducing the transmission and mortality of the new Coronavirus in the refugee and displacement camps, and hosting communities.

For millions of boys and girls who live in conflictive situations, the lack of access to essential services is, unfortunately, an everyday reality.

UNICEFis focusing its interventions/actions on:

  • Risk communicationand involvement in the community to increase the awareness about how it is transmitted and how to prevent the transmission.

  • Improve the prevention and control by distributing to families essential supplies to guarantee an appropriate hygiene and sanitation. Supplies like safe drinking water, cleanliness and regular disinfection and personal hygieneand chlorine, water containers, water purification tablets and hand sanitizer.

  • Provide supplies and vital safety equipment for the health workers who are in the health centres and in primary care dealing with the COVID-19 cases, like face masks, surgical caps, gloves, boots and safety glasses.

  • Provide the centres with other basic supplies like surgical trousers, bed protectors, thermometers, stretchers, resuscitation equipment, oxygen concentrators and thermal blankets.

  • To distribute hygiene and cleaning supplies to be able to disinfect the health installations and the centres where people are treatedfor cases of COVID-19.

COVID-19 is affecting everyone. Because a child is a child, it doesn´t matter where he/she was born, here at Grupo VAPF we want to collaborate for another year with UNICEF Spain, in the primary defence of children´s rights of the Syrian children.

© UNICEF / UNI325083 / Albam

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