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VAPF - Inicio

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Agreement between VAPF Group and the Association LUDAI, Fighting to Give Them A Future of Equality.



VAPF Group has started an economic collaboration with the Association LUDAI (A Child Development and Early Care Centre of Marina Alta) whose aim is to fight so that children with different disorders and development difficulties receive the attention they need.

The Child Development and Early Care Centre, CDIAT Marina Alta, deals with children from birth to 6 years of age. During these first years of life, the foundations for optimal learning and development are set, therefore preventing the disorders and conditions to worsen hereby improving the quality of life of the children.

To reach their goals CDIAT offers individual therapeutic treatment, relying on a large team of professionals: educator, psychologist, occupational therapist, speech therapist and paediatric physiotherapist.

However, the reality of these boys and girls when they reach 6 years of age continues to be very complicated and their treatment is no longer subsidised. For this reason, the association LUDAI has created the Service of Therapeutic Attention (SAT), aimed to offer therapeutic attention and rehabilitation to children from 6 years old onwards. The overall objective is to improve the children´s quality of life and to contribute to their social inclusion.

Here at VAPF Group we are proud to collaborate to offer them a future of equality.

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