Grupo VAPF and UNICEF, together to help the children in Syria

It has been 8 years since the beginning of the war in Syria and 8 million Syrian children are in need of humanitarian aid. In 2018, 1.106 children were murdered within the country, 748 were injured and 806 was forcibly recruited to fight, being almost 10.000 refugee children that remain alone or separated from their families.
In Grupo VAPF we wanted to collaborate financially with UNICEF so that the children in Syria can have a healthy life, a quality education and be protected from all types of abuse or violence.
All rights, for all children around the world.
UNICEF work every day in Syria as well as in the host countries:
-Preventing and treating the most deadly diseases, distributing medications and vaccine to the children.
-Helping the displaced population by sending basic supplies every time access to a besieged area is opened.
-Protecting refugees and the communities that host them.
-Distributing drinkable water and treatments for its purification and hygiene products to prevent diseases.
-Providing educational materials, installing provisional schools and supporting the rehabilitation and reconstruction of schools.
Because a child is a child, no matter where he was born, in Grupo VAPF we want to collaborate for another year with UNICEF, in the primary defense of the children's rights for these more than 8 million Syrian children.