Collaboration of the VAPF Group with Parents Association with Children with Cancer of the Valencian Community - ASPANION.

VAPF Group has economically collaborated with the Parents Asociation with Children with Cancer of the Valencian Community - ASPANION, by financing a Day of Coexistence aimed to children with cancer and their siblings.
The "Respite Day" was held on the 10th of November 2018 in the Parque Forestal in La Nucia, involving more than 50 children.
Children affected by cancer suffer a huge impact when they are diagnosed, due to the aggressive treatment, the drastic break with their environment, hospitalization.. all this has adverse psychological effects on the child and their families. Also, in the siblings of the sick children, many suffer by the change of their relationship in the family.
These days of coexistence promote the cohesion between siblings and facilitate the integration of children with cancer in the society, also, since it is not addressed to the parents, it offers a day of respite to them as well.
It is demonstrated that the participation of this type of playful days, improves the mood of the children, which reflects on their general state and their recovery process.
The association ASPANION, founded in 1985, has been working since then to offer psychological, social and economic support to families who have or have had a child with cancer, to promote comprehensive care in advanced disease, social cooperation and volunteerism and dissemination of information on childhood cancer and its aftermath.
It Is an honor for VAPF Group to have collaborated with ASPANION, in an initiative that allows both the children and their families to enjoy a day of coexistence, fun and relaxation.