Grupo VAPF continues to support the work of SAVE THE CHILDREN, through its UNIDOS program.

" A poor child is one that is unable to dream " 9-year old girl, Madrid.
In Grupo VAPF we believe that all children should have the chance to receive quality education, access to proper healthcare and be protected against any form of violence.
For this reason, VAPF Group continues to collaborate economically with the organization SAVE THE CHILDREN, through its "UNIDOS" program, aimed at solidarity companies, which allows us to join efforts to fight against child poverty in Spain.
SAVE THE CHILDREN has been working in Spain for more than 30 years developing programmes to support the most vulnerable children, providing comprehensive attention for children and their families, so that the economic situation or social exclusion they live in does not impede one to fully enjoy their rights and helps them to reach their maximum capacity.
Nobody should prevent a child from being who they want to be.
Spain is one of the EU countries with the highest inequality, this is especially hard for children.
In the most unequal societies, a child’s success is conditioned by what they have inherited socially and economically from their parents, therefore to invest in childhood is fundamental. Education is the most powerful tool to break the cycle of transmission of poverty from parents to children. To guarantee the school success of children in danger of poverty or social exclusion is the best strategy to ensure their development.
In addition, SAVE THE CHILDREN works to raise awareness and educate in the rights of children and its programmes include actions of awareness against violence towards children.
Every day, SAVE THE CHILDREN cares for more than 5,000 children and their families in Madrid, Catalonia, Andalusia, Community of Valencia and the Basque Country with interventions that aim to break the cycle of transmission of poverty and give children the chance of a better future. In addition, it is coordinated with Social Services and education centres to identify situations in which children can be at risk of poverty.
Fotografía: Anne Sofie Helms - Save the Children