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Grupo VAPF collaborates with the Spanish committee for UNICEF.



“Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world. Education is the great motor for personal development. Through education, the daughter of a peasantcan become a doctor, the son of a miner can become the mine manger, the descendant of farm labourers can become the presidentof a great nation." Nelson Mandela.

In Grupo VAPF, we believe that all children must have the opportunity to receive quality education, regardless of where they are born, their sex or any other external circumstances. Therefore, Grupo VAPF, within its Corporate Social Responsibility programme, has made an economic collaboration, through the Spanish Committee for UNICEF, to the "Multiply for Childhood" project, thus becoming a collaborating partner in this programme.

The aim of the UNICEF "Multiply for Childhood" programme is to mobilise resources for education of children in Arica, dedicating the donations received to the initiative "Schools for Africa” founded in 2004 together with the Nelson Mandela Foundation and the Peter Krämer Foundation to create Child Friendly Schools.
Child Friendly Schools are schools appropriate for children, providing them with a safe and protective environment where they can learn and play. As well as offering quality education, schools provide water, health, food and sanitary installations, among others.
The "Schools for Africa" programme offers children from 13 countries in sub-Saharan Africa the chance to access quality education and the possibility to aspire to a better future.
Since the programme started, more than 30 million children have been able to study in child friendly schools with adequate installations and resources, properly trained teachers and programmes adapted to all their needs. Access to quality education has also been a key element for many disabled children, offering them a future that they would never have had otherwise.
Education is a fundamental human right, decisive for individual and social development. In addition, achieving universal primary education is the second of the United Nations Millennium Development Goals (MDG).
Education contributes to an improvement on the living conditions and breaking the poverty trap millions of children in developing countries fall into.
Education saves lives. Schools have water and toilets, two fundamental facilities to avoid disease.
An educated girl tends to marry later and have less children. In addition, her children will have a greater possibility of survival, will be better fed and better educated.

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