
VAPF - Inicio
VAPF - Inicio

Language: EN

Collaboration of Grupo VAPF with Cáritas Parroquial Benissa and Cáritas Parroquial Benitatxell.



Grupo VAPF has made economic donations to Caritas Parroquial Benissa and Caritas Parroquial Benitatxell, undertaking to continue making these contributions annually, to contribute to improving the socio-economic situation of the communities in which it works.
Caritas is the socio-charitable organisation of the Catholic church, composed of approximately 6,000 Caritas parish centres, 70 Caritas diocesan centres and their corresponding Caritas regional or autonomic centres.
The Caritas parish associations,composed of more than 5,000 volunteers, is probably the most extensive and closest aid network to help people in situations of exclusion and vulnerability, regardless of their religion, contributing to cover basic needs such as food, shelter, medicine, employment, etc.

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