
VAPF - Inicio
VAPF - Inicio

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Opening hours of Grupo VAPF sales office at Residential Resort Cumbre del Sol


As usual, Grupo VAPF head office in Benissa will be close for Christmas holidays and the service to all customers wishing to visit the Residential Resort Cumbre del Sol is transferred to the information and sales offices located in the resort.

Check below the opening hours of the offices so you can get all the info and receive the attention you deserve.

Grupo VAPF head office in Benissa,will be closed for holidays from 22 December 2017 at 13:30 h. until 7 January 2018.

North Information and Sales Office at Residential Resort Cumbre del Sol (access through Poble Nou de Benitachell road), will be open on the following days:

From 26 to 30 December from 10:00 to 17:00 h.

From the 2 to 5 January from 09:00 to 14:00 h. and from 15:30 to 18:00 h.

South Information and Sales Office at Residential Resort Cumbre del Sol (access through Moraira) will open on the following days:

From 26 to 30 December from 10:00 to 17:00 h.

From the 2 to 5 January from 10 00 to17:00 h.

On 24, 25 and 31 December and 1 and 5 January 2018 both offices will be closed throughout the day.

If during these dates you want commercial information or make an appointment to visit the Gupo VAPF’s apartments, villas and luxury villas at Cumbre del Sol, you can go to the Information Offices of the Cumbre del Sol Urbanization or call to +34 96 573 40 17 and press 1 to talk to one of our sales representative.

Happy Holidays!

Grupo VAPF

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Awards ceremony of Residential Resort Cumbre del Sol’s Christmas Decoration Contest