VAPF Legal Notice
- Terms and Conditions
- Terms of Access
- Intellectual Property
Terms and Conditions
In compliance with Law 34/2002, of July 11, on Services of the Information Society and Electronic Commerce (LSSICE), we inform you that this website and its content are the property of YATER S.L.U. (a company belonging to the VAPF Group), with VAT number B03904646 and registered office at Avda. País Valencià 22, 03720 Benissa, and registered in the Alicante Mercantile Registry with the following details: Volume 2343, Book 0, Page 69, Sheet A-25719, 10th entry, YATER S.L.U.
For any inquiries or proposals, please contact us by calling (+34) 965 734 067 or by sending an email to [email protected].
This website is governed by the regulations exclusively applicable in Spain, and both nationals and foreigners using this website are subject to them.
Terms of Access
Access to our website by the USER is free of charge and is subject to the prior reading and full, express and unreserved acceptance of these GENERAL CONDITIONS OF USE in force at the time of access, which we ask you to read carefully. The USER, when using our portal, its contents or services, expressly accepts and submits to its general conditions of use. If the user does not agree with these conditions of use, he/she must refrain from using this portal and operating through it.
Taking into account the impossibility of controlling the information, contents and services contained in other websites that can be accessed through the links that our website makes available, we inform you that VAPF is exempt from any liability for damages of any kind that may arise from the use of these websites outside our company by the user.
VAPF reserves the unilateral right, without prior notice, to terminate the membership of any USER that the organisation considers to have violated the conditions governing the use of our website, without the USER being entitled to any claim of any kind for this type of action.
Intellectual Property
Intellectual Property Rights
The intellectual property rights of this website are owned by VAPF unless otherwise specified. Therefore, VAPF has the exclusive right to exercise exploitation and reproduction rights over it. Downloading content is permitted solely for personal use. Under no circumstances may the information, content, or warnings on this website be altered, modified, or removed. Neither may the content of this website be reproduced, transmitted, or modified, directly or indirectly, without prior written authorisation from VAPF.
All content, texts, images, and source code are the property of VAPF or third parties from whom exploitation rights have been acquired, and are protected by intellectual and industrial property rights.
The user is only entitled to private, non-commercial use of the content, and must obtain express authorisation from VAPF and the rights holder to modify, reproduce, exploit, distribute, or exercise any other right belonging to the holder.
VAPF is a registered trademark, and reproduction, imitation, use, or insertion of these trademarks without our proper authorisation is prohibited.
Establishing links to our portal does not grant any rights over it. Furthermore, simply linking to our website does not entitle one to be considered a collaborator or partner of VAPF.
Any full or partial imitation of our portal is strictly prohibited.
The content on this website is purely for informational purposes and does not constitute an offer to buy or sell, or a solicitation to buy or sell, any product or service.
While reasonable measures have been taken to ensure the information provided is not erroneous or misleading, VAPF does not represent or guarantee its accuracy, completeness, or timeliness, and users should not rely on it as if it were. VAPF expressly disclaims any responsibility for errors or omissions in the information contained on the pages of this website.
Under no circumstances will VAPF be liable for any damage, loss, claims, or expenses of any kind arising from the information obtained or accessed through this website, or from computer viruses, operational failures, or interruptions in service or transmission, or line failures. By using this website, users are notified that such possibilities may occur.
The user agrees to use this website and its services and content in a correct and lawful manner, in accordance with applicable legislation, good faith, and generally accepted practices.
The user will not engage in any actions that may disable, overload, or damage the pages of this site in any way. They will also refrain from activities that may prevent other users from accessing or using the website normally.
VAPF does not guarantee the total availability and continuity of the website’s functionality and the services offered on it. Whenever possible, prior notice will be given of any incidents that may occur in the operation of these services.
At any time, we may modify the presentation and configuration of our website, expand or reduce services, or even remove it from the internet, as well as the services and content provided, all unilaterally and without prior notice.